
Meeting of members

On April the 29th the annual meeting of members was held.


Cooperation with LibreGameWiki

Faiumoni e. V. supports the LibreGameWiki with a project "How to save a wiki?". The online encyclopedia had to go offline shortly after its fifth birthday. It is working again now because of the technic support by Faiumoni e. V.

In addition to the support at running the Free Software that powers LibreGameWiki, association president Hendrik Brummermann pointed out synergies on the content site: “One of the main motivations to learn software development, is the desire to program computer games. LibreGameWiki enables people to find interesting open source game projects.


Meeting of members

On the 9th of Mai the members met for the anual meeting.


Faiumoni e. V. not affected by Hetzner's security issues

Our hosting company Hetzner has informed us about a security issue in their admin system. Attackers got access to the domain name administration, bank accounts of server renters, and the unencrypted passwords for managed servers.

We can confirm that the domin name was not manipulated because the system sends emails on all DNS changes. Furthermore we did not rent a managed server but a root server which we mange ourselves. The passwords for our server are not known to Hetzner.


Accepted as altruistic and bank account

Faiumoni e. V. is accepted as altruistic ("gemeinnützig") by the German tax authority and may issue doners with a receipt for their donation. We now have a bank account at Sparkasse Lemgo.


Registration completed

Today we received the acknowledgement that the association was formally registered by the Amtsgericht Hanover. The association may now call itself Faiumoni e. V. (e. V. is an abbreviation for eingetragener Verein which means registered association).


Moving to a new server

For the last three years we did our projects and ran our Wiki on a server rented by a member. But we outgrew this server and needed a new one. Migration to the new server worked out pretty well because we did a project focusing on minimizing downtime.


Founding Faiumoni

On Sunday, the 15th of May, we founded the Faiumoni association to help with education in the area of Free Software. We are now working on getting it registered as a formal association.

Last edited on 2013-04-30 14:51:22 by account 19438 Π  
© 2011-2025 Faiumoni e. V.