
There is additional or more recent information on the German version of this page.

Debate on the topic of "Administration, policies and consequences in an online role playing game"

TODO: write a short summary

Diskussionsabend zum Thema "Was muss beim Game Design beachtet werden, damit Neuling das Spiel verstehen bevor sie aufgeben?"

TODO: write a short summary

Founding of the Association

In 2011 on the 15th of May Faiumoni e. V. was founded in Hanover, to aid in the education on open source software. The unoffical Arianne project has been active in this areas for years. The new association creates a solid foundation for these efforts.

Online meeting to discuss Stendhal based projects

On the 12th of January we conducted an online meeting to discuss future projects based on Stendhal. The main topics were quality assurance, recursive inventory and achievements.

Workshop in Hanover

In March 2011, we had a developer workshop with talks and discussion in Hanover. This workshop was an interesting international event with people attending from Germany, England, Sweden, Spain and Russia. The participants had different backgrounds from users and game designers to software developers and computer science students. This resulted in very interesting  discussions.

During the workshop, the idea was born to found an association1, to lay put a solid foundation under the more or less random sharing of knowledge that had taken place before. The results of the workshop are available as a summary of the discussions and videos of the talks.

1 Unfortunately there was already an association called Ariane, so we had to pick a different name and chose Faiumoni.

Last edited on 2011-09-17 21:45:12 by account 6316 Π  
© 2011-2025 Faiumoni e. V.