
This is an inofficial translation of the offical statute into the English language.

1. Name, location, fiscal year

The association (Verein) is named Faiumoni, it shall be registered and will use the suffix "e. V." after registration.

The association is based in Hannover

The association is altruistic and does not pursue its own economic interests. Any profits will always be supplied to the statutory purposes. The fiscal year is the calendar year.

2. Purpose of the association

The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of Section "Steuerbegünstigte Zwecke" der Abgabenordnung (§§ 51 ff).

The purpose of the association is to promote education in the area of Free Software. It covers social aspects in project management of volunteers, content up to technology centric development, operating and maintenance of Free Software. Free Software in this statue is defined in accordance with the Open Source Definition of the Open Source Initiative (OSI).

The association fulfils its purpose especially by the creation of educational material in the form of tutorials, background articles, eLearning courses and experience reports. The effect learning effect is reached in addition by doing hands-on projects as Free Software and the preparation of a topic as educational material. The association creates a concept of education to ensure that the offered education opportunities are unerring and of required quality. The organization of lecture and discussion events also serves the purpose of the association.

The results of the activities of the association are available to the general public.

3. Altruism

The association is altruistic, it does not pursue its own economic purposes. Association funds may only be used for statutory purposes.

The members of the association may not receive in their capacity as members any benefits from the association resources. Members may not receive any shares of the association's assets, when they leave the association. No person may benefit from expenditures foreign to the goals of the association, or by disproportionately high remuneration.

4. Membership

Natural or legal persons may be accepted as members. Legal persons for profit can be undertaken only as a supporting member.

Application for admission is decided by the Management Committee (Vorstand).

Membership is terminated by resignation, expulsion or death, and for legal entities by extinction. Members can resign at any time, by written notice to the bord, with a period of four weeks.

If any member is acting gravely contrary to the objectives and interests of the association despite a warning, or is with the contribution by more than three months in arrears, it can be excluded by the Management Committee with immediate effect. The member has the opportunity to justify before the decision. Against the expulsion may be appealed within a period of four weeks. The next Meeting of Members will decides about the appeal.

The members are encouraged to support the association in fulfilling its statutory duties.

Members in this capacity are not entitled to the assets of the association.

5. Membership Fees

There are membership fees in accordance with the fee regulations. The fee regulations are decided by the Meeting of Members.

6. Bodies of the Association

The bodies of the association are:

  • the Management Committee (Vorstand)
  • the Meeting of Members (Mitgliederversammlung)

7. The Management Committee

The Management Committee consists of the association president. It represents the Association in and out of court. The Management Committee shall operate on a voluntary basis.

The Management Committee is elected by the Meeting of Members for a term of at most one year until the next Annual Meeting of Members. It remains in office until the next election. It may be elected again.

The Management Committee is responsible for managing the current business of the association. It is responsible for all matters of the association, if they are not assigned by statute to another body. It has the following main tasks:

  • Preparation and convening of meetings
  • Implementation of resolutions of the Meeting of Members
  • Establishing a budget for each fiscal year, accounting, preparing an annual report
  • Conclusion and termination of employment contracts
  • The Management Committee is authorized to operate the registration of the association in the register, and otherwise arrange for necessary steps to start the association's activities.

8. The Meeting of Members

The Meeting of Members is convened once a year.

An extraordinary Meeting of Members is convened, if required by the interests of the association or when the meeting is requested in writing by one-third of the members of the association and stating the purpose and reasons.

The convening of the meeting is made by electronic mail by the chairman subject to one invitation period of at least 4 weeks. It includes the agenda. The period begins with the days following the sending of the invitation letter. The invitation to the member is considered to be received when it is sent to the last e-mail address known to the association. The Meeting of Members is responsible for the following matters:

  • Approval of the Management Committee set budget plan for the next fiscal year, receiving the annual report of the Management Committee, discharge of the Management Committee.
  • Election and dismissal of the Management Committee
  • Resolution on amendment of the statutory and the dissolution of the association
  • Decision on the member ship fee rules

Any statutory convened meeting is recognized as a quorum regardless of the number of published association members. Each member has one vote.

The Meeting of Members adopts its decisions by simple majority. In the event of a tie, the motion is rejected.

Decisions are to be recorded, stating the time and place of the meeting and the vote by the secretary in a transcript, the transcript is to be signed by the chairman and the secretary to be elected at the beginning of the meeting by simple majority. The office of the chairman and the Secretary may be exercised by a member in one.

9. Amendments to the Statute

A two-thirds majority of the present members is required for amendments to the Statute. Changes to the Statutes can only be voted in the Meeting of Members, if those matters were already advised in the invitation to the meeting. The invitation has to include both the existing and the proposed new statute text.

Statute changes that are required by regulatory, judicial and financial authorities for formal reasons, can be made by the Management Committee's own initiative. These amendments must be communicated immediately to all association members by electronic mail.

10. Liability

For the liabilities of the association, the association is liable with his club assets. Personal liability of members for debts of the association does not exist. The liability of the Management Committee for neglect of duty is excluded.

11. Dissolution

The dissolution of the association can only be decided in a meeting of members.

On termination or loss of tax-privileged purposes, the assets will be transferred to the SOS Kinderdorf e.V., München, Deutschland, which has to use it directly and exclusively for charitable, benevolent or clerical purposes.

The day of creation is the day of founding, the 15th of May, 2011. See log of founding meeting that was signed by the foundings members, too. Hanover, the 10th of Juni, 2011.

Last edited on 2011-07-22 08:17:57 by account 6316 Π  
© 2011-2025 Faiumoni e. V.